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Showing posts with the label Facebook

Why I Love,Every one of us. Everywhere. Connected.

It was great to see my Twitter feed light up yesterday with the latest news on the Facebook-led initiative to   improve access to Internet for the developing world . Alongside Qualcomm, Opera, Samsung, and others, Team Zuckerberg is leading the charge on, a   “global partnership between technology leaders, nonprofits, local communities and experts who are working together to bring the Internet to the two-thirds of the world’s population that doesn’t have it.”   That’s music to our ears here at Connectify. Our team is passionate about creating apps that get users and their devices online with fast and reliable Internet access no matter where they are. When we launched the first beta of Connectify Hotspot in 2009, we had no idea that our powerful little software router would become a lifeline for so many users around the world. Early on, we were thrilled to hear from business travelers and tech enthusiasts who wrote to tell us that Connectify Hotspot had become an in

Video On Instagram: Facebook Adds 15-Second Videos To Photo-Sharing App

  Video, meet Instagram. Facebook on Thursday announced that it had added video recording, editing, filtering and sharing capabilities to Instagram, the immensely popular photo sharing service Facebook bought last year for $1 billion. "We need to do to video what we did to photos," said Kevin Systrom, the co-founder and CEO of Instagram. "What we've done is made Instagram better." The app allows Instagram's 130 million monthly active users to record 15-second collages of video clips. Users can delete and re-record clips, and the app features Cinema, a video stabilization tool. Like photos that are shared on the app, videos on Instagram will have 13 custom filters. If any of this sounds familiar, it's because Facebook is taking a page right from Twitter's book. In January, Twitter released Vine , an app that records (and then plays on a loop) 6-second video clips. For Twitter, Vine has been nothing short of a huge succe

10 Ways to Make Money on Facebook

Below we have listed 10 different ways you can make money on Facebook. These are some great tools available that can really help you save up some extra cash. Check these out and send us some feedback. It would be greatly appreciated. 1- My Merch Store Zazzle - This is an innovative website where you can make money selling T-shirts and other customizable items. It allows you to create and design any product on their site for free and sell them on your Facebook page. Think about the potential buyer base for customized apparel especially if you have a lot of Facebook friends. You can also sell products other people have made and earn a commission on those. So, even if you arent sure about designing, you have a way to earn extra cash using Facebook with the help of this app. This is one of my favorite ways to make money on facebook 2- Cafe Press   – This site has the same idea as Zazzle, but with a much bigger and well-known online store. CafePress lets you easily sell any product from an