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Showing posts with the label Syria

Hillary Clinton supports military strike on Syria

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced Monday that she supports President Obama's call for a military strike on Syria and urged Congress to vote to back him. "I will continue to support his efforts, and I hope the Congress will as well," Clinton said at a White House event, after she discussed the latest developments on Syria with Mr. Obama earlier in the day. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., announced Monday that the Senate will hold the first congressional vote to authorize military action in Syria this Wednesday, which will be a procedural vote to begin debate. Meanwhile, while still pressing for Congress to authorize U.S. military force in Syria, Obama administration officials on Monday said they would consider Russia's new proposal for Syria to avert a U.S. military strike by placing its chemical weapons under international control and dismantling them quickly. Syria says it "welcomes" Russian proposal Democratic sena