Warning: This video is NSFW (or any place with strangers, kids and/or parental figures nearby).
Lady Gaga bared her soul and her bod—seriously, you see everything—in a video to promote a Kickstarter campaign to help fund the Marina Abramovic Institute, which is "dedicated to the presentation and preservation of long durational work, including that of performance art, dance, theater, film, music, opera, and other forms that may develop in the future."
The clip is clearly more of a visual experience than anything else, with Mother Monster's continuous and monotonous groan as she practices the Abramovic method being the only sound heard throughout the entire thing.
In the very strange yet intriguing video, Gaga appears in different settings (initially completely clothed), before suddenly walking across a grassy field blindfolded and wearing nothing but her birthday suit.
Then we see her bent down holding a tree branch in the forest, spooning a large crystal on a hardwood floor and then sitting on the crystal like a statue—all while being fully naked.
In the end, the singer is lying down with multiple crystals framing her face, slowly beginning to open her eyes and bam! Gaga is suddenly staring at you with a look that makes you scoot your chair back from the monitor (let's be real, you were all sitting up close to the computer screen. It's all good).
At the institute, Marina will be teaching this method, which is a series of exercises designed to heighten participants' awareness of their physical and mental experience in the present moment.
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