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US judges consider fate of 13 year old

PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania (AFP) – US appeals judges Tuesday began considering whether a 13-year-old boy accused of murder could be tried as an adult -- and risk spending the rest of his life behind bars. The Pennsylvania Superior Court was considering a case that has attracted international scrutiny because of the possibility that Jordan Brown, who was just 11 at the time of his alleged crime, might be imprisoned as an adult and never be released. The three-judge panel queried lawyers about the decision by a lower court to bar Brown from being sent to a juvenile court. A key requirement of the juvenile court would be for Brown to show potential for rehabilitation, in which case he could be free as early as when he turned 21. However, the lower court found against him after insisting that he show remorse -- something his lawyers say he can't do, given that he insists he did not commit the murder. On Tuesday, defense lawyers argued that the lower court had violated


A blonde walked into a store to buy curtains. She went up to the salesman and said, "I want those pink curtains to fit my computer screen. The salesman mentioned, "Computers don't need curtains." The blonde said, "Hellooo…. I have windows!"
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Man accused in Giffords shooting pleads not guilty

PHOENIX – The 22-year-old man accused in a deadly Arizona rampage that critically wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords has made his first public statement regarding his role in the shooting: He's not guilty. Jared Loughner entered the plea Monday to federal charges of trying to assassinate Giffords and kill two of her aides. He also faces murder charges in the deaths of a federal judge and another Giffords aide killed in the Tucson shootings, and more charges were expected. The Tucson man had his wrists cuffed to a chain around his waist; eight U.S. marshals kept watch in the packed Phoenix courtroom and gallery above. Investigators have said Loughner was mentally disturbed and acting increasingly erratic in the weeks leading up to the attack on Jan. 8 that killed six and wounded 13. Giffords, a three-term Democratic congresswoman, was shot in the forehead and spent two weeks in a Tucson hospital before she was flown to Houston to begin her rehabilitation. Among the si

20 ways to make money

20 ways to make money in your spare time There are ways to generate income outside the 9-5 grind – get busy in your free time and you could see the pounds rolling in. Moneywise shows you how with our top money making tips. The new austerity measures from the coalition government mean many people will have to tighten their belts over the coming months. While sticking to a budget and finding ways to cut back are advisable, with a little imagination and effort you could find there are ways you can actually make money. Moneywise has come up with 20 ways to make money during the credit crunch - some are easier than others but all of them could see you make some extra cash. 1. Track down old accounts According to the British Bankers' Association, there is more than £15 billion sitting forgotten in bank and savings accounts in the UK, with the average balance estimated to be £600. The good news is that tracing lost funds has become easier with Mylostaccount

german doctors killed porn star in surgury

Two doctors who performed breast enlargement surgery on a German porn actress have been charged with negligent manslaughter after the woman's death, a prosecutor's spokesman said. The 23-year-old woman, identified only as "Sexy Cora," fell into a coma during the surgery at the Alster Clinic in Hamburg on January 11, according to Wilhelm Moellers, the spokesman for the Hamburg state prosecutor. She died Thursday. Doctors who responded to an emergency call to the clinic called police and filed charges that started the investigation of the clinic, Moellers said. A statement from the clinic said the doctors were "extremely upset and deeply regret the death of patient C.W." and that they are giving "full and complete support" to investigators. "As matters stand currently a defect in the anesthetizing device can be ruled out," the clinic statement said. "The claim that the monitoring could have given readings other than

something is wrong with my computer

Dear Mr. Bill Gates, We have bought a computer for our home and we have found some problems, which I want to bring to your notice..1. There is a button 'start' but there is no 'stop' button.We request you to check this.2. One doubt is whether any 're-scooter' is available insystem? I find only 're-cycle', but I own a scooter at myhome.3. There is 'Find' button but it is not working. My wifelost the door key and we tried a lot to trace the key withthis 'find 'button, but was unable to trace. Please rectifythis problem.4. My child learned 'Microsoft word' now he wants to learn'Microsoft sentence', so when you will provide that?5. I bought computer, CPU, mouse and keyboard, but there isonly one icon which shows 'My Computer': when you willprovide the remaining items?6. It is surprising that windows says 'MY Pictures' butthere is not even a single photo of mine. So when will youkeep my photo in th


If a barber makes a mistake, It's a new style... If a driver makes a mistake, It's an accident... If a engineer makes a mistake, It's a new venture... If parents makes a mistake, It's a new generation... If a politician makes a mistake, It's a new law... If a scientist makes a mistake, It's a new invention... If a tailor makes a mistake, It's a new fashion... If a teacher makes a mistake, It's a new theory... If our boss makes a mistake, It's our mistake...... If an employee makes a mistake, It's a "MISTAKE"!!!

How to unhide hidden files and folder in flash drive

I assume you are using Microsoft Windows XP? If you are, try the following assuming that your files are still there but hidden: 1. Open Windows Explorer 2. Click on Tools >> Folder Options 3. Click on the View Tab 4. Under advanced settings, look for the item "Hidden files and folders". Check the radio button for "Show Hidden Files and Folders". 5. Click on the button [Apply to All Folders]. Finally, click on the [OK] button.

An Offer of True Value from MTN

* Original message * From: Sent: 20:35:54 20 01 2011 To: [Michael Alaga Email] Subject: FW: An Offer of True Value from MTN         An Offer of True Value       Dear Esteemed Customer,   You are one of our identified high value customers, and it therefore pleases me to personally inform you of the most recent value offering from MTN Nigeria. It is an offer of true value! It means instant connections to your loved ones and call rates that are first-of-a-kind, never-done-before in the history of telecommunications in Nigeria.   From absolutely free calls to and from your loved one to lowest first minute call rates, you will once again receive from MTN, the value you deserve – transparent rates without hidden charges or access fees.   That's because, at MTN, we believe that you deserve true value, the kind that enriches your life in tangible ways, the kind that continues to inspire us to set the